Would like to learn how to design wallpapers and textiles?
Crafting fabric prints today is seemingly effortless with Photoshop's ability to replicate basic elements in minutes. However, this mere "define pattern" procedure results in identical patterns. To achieve genuine distinction, one must grasp perceptive rules governing shape, color, composition, and element-background relationships. Through interaction and repetition, a captivating, exclusive design emerges.
Minimum knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator is required. No expertise in drawing, only curiosity and a great will to learn something new.
You will learn how to create abstract patterns moving from researching subjects to manual drawing, up to the creation of a "capsule collection" of wallpapers and fabrics.
The course is aimed for an experienced Graphic and Fine Art Students with a advanced knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator.
We will begin with a brief history of the origin of patterns and an introduction to the world of Surface Pattern Design.
You will learn how to create complex patterns moving from researching subjects to manual drawing, up to the creation of a "capsule collection" of wallpapers and fabrics.